Welcome to MyScrabbleApp.com

A website where online Scrabble players from all over the world can enjoy friendly and competitive games in a range of tournaments to suit all tastes.

Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Canada England France Germany Ghana Heard Island and McDonald Islands Hong Kong India Ireland Israel Jamaica Jersey Kenya Kuwait Liberia Malawi Malaysia Malta Mauritius Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Northern Ireland Northern Mariana Islands Norway Pakistan Philippines Poland Romania Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Scotland Sierra Leone Singapore South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Uganda United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Wales Yorkshire Zambia 56 countries and counting!

Competitions last from 4 to 14 days, mostly using the Collins UK dictionary but tournaments using other wordlists such as NWL US are available.

How do I join in?

You need to do a couple of things before registering for your first tournament:

  1. Send a Facebook message including your email address to Rachel Bingham
  2. Log in using the temporary password emailed to you (check your spam folder if it hasn't arrived within 24 hours).
  3. Click on My Details link and agree to the Code of Conduct
  4. Find your Scrabble GO Id and enter into My Details
  5. Now you can register for one of the two week leagues starting on alternate Saturdays.
  6. Click the Leagues tab for the full list of leagues.
  7. To register for other leagues, such as FSL Fast, SG Fast or SnG, you will need to subscribe. See the Subscribe tab for more details.

These FAQs are here to help you. Please read them first before asking questions on the forum.

How do I find my Scrabble GO Id?

  1. In the Scrabble GO app, click on your picture in the top-left corner of the screen.
  2. This brings you to your Word Score page. Click on the gear icon that is in the top-right corner.

  3. This brings you to your Profile Settings. Your Scrabble Go Id is at the bottom of the screen. It is a 9 or 10 digit number.

  4. Update your Scrabble GO Id on your My Details page using the Change feature. This will help your opponents start games against you.