How do I get a myscrabbleapp account?

Send a Facebook message including your email address to Rachel Bingham to set up an account on MyScrabbleApp or send an email via the Contact page.

Most online leagues have a FB forum for making announcements and posting results, so it is recommended that you have a Facebook account to join in the tournaments.

How do I log in?

Use your email and password to login. If you have forgotten your password you can request a new one. You can change your password to something more memorable on the My Details page.

Where do I find the tournaments?

You must be logged in to view a league page.

Use the My Leagues dropdown menu to find your leagues. Each tournament belongs to a league. Each league has its own set of rules (see the Instruction tab on the league page).

The Leagues link in the left-hand menu gives descriptions of all available leagues with links to their respective FB forums.